ro: Imagini din Sibiu - Capitala Culturala Europeana 2007: Centru, Bulevardul Balcescu, Piata Mica, Piata Mare, Turnul cu Ceas, Biserica Evanghelica, Noaptea de Revelion, Artificii si Secvente din Spectacolul de Sunet si Lumina organizat cu ocazia Serbarilor Inaugurarii Evenimentelor Culturale din acest an...
english: Images from Sibiu - the 2007 European Capital of Culture: downtown, Balcescu Boulevard, The Small Market, The Big Market, the Clock Tower, the Evangelical Church, New Year's Eve, Fireworks and sequences from the Sound and Light Show organized to celebrate the start of this year's Cultural Events...
music: seal - kiss from a rose
by: alex serban -
english: Images from Sibiu - the 2007 European Capital of Culture: downtown, Balcescu Boulevard, The Small Market, The Big Market, the Clock Tower, the Evangelical Church, New Year's Eve, Fireworks and sequences from the Sound and Light Show organized to celebrate the start of this year's Cultural Events...
music: seal - kiss from a rose
by: alex serban -
Category: Travel & Events
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